Child's Dream Foundation
Financial Efficiency
Good Governance & Transparency
Combined Score

Child's Dream Foundation
Child's Dream is a large charity based in Thailand which supports the educational development of disadvantaged children who often do not have access to government schooling or adequate schooling due to their living in marginalised and undeveloped areas. Those areas are predominantly, border areas in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. Child's Dream is addressing these issues via its three Focus Areas: Health, Basic Education and Higher Education.
Child's Dream is a fine example to other charities in terms of management, efficiency, communication with stakeholders and transparency.
Child's Dream has policies and staff which maintain core values with high standards of integrity, accountability and transparency, professional practice and provision of equal opportunities. Child's Dream provides their Annual Report, annual Yearbook and audited financial statements on their website. They have an administration cost (including personnel costs) ratio of revenues (6 % in 2018) including related overseas parties.
Child's Dream was established in 2003 by former private bankers, Marc Thomas Jenni and Daniel Marco Siegfried. In 2018 they had 45 staff members and a number of volunteers for various periods to execute the projects.
A full list of their projects can be found at: