Charity Reviews
Please see our Reviews in this section to understand more on the charities activites
We have small volunteer teams of professionals who give their time to do reviews of the charities. We visit the charities, see their operations, meet the management and review their financial information. We then write a review which is verified for factual accuracy by the charity management and post the review here for your information. We hope you will find the reviews useful. We do not accept payment to do the reviews.
Why are Charity Reviews Needed?
After years of supporting various charities and community projects we often have similar questions to answer before we can support charities that we have not visited before. As other donors have similar questions and concerns it makes sense for us perform charity reviews and to share that information. This helps other donors become more confident in the charities activities and reduces the administrative workload on the charities staff as they will not have to repeat the same information sharing process over and over again for each donor.
We find that questions about a charity that a supporter may have include:
Who are the managers of each charity?
Can we trust them?
Does the charities website (if they have one) reflect the services they actually provide?
Which charities are most in need of funding and how urgent is that need?
What services does the charity provide and to whom.
How does the charity provide the services?
How do they raise funds?
Who else supports them?
How to they spend those funds?
Do they spend the funds in an efficient manner?
How much of the funds goes to marketing and administration and how much to the operations?
Do they keep proper accounting records?
Do the financial figures makes sense with the charity work performed?
Each review made independently and in good faith by our volunteers. We provide no warranty for the information containted in the review and cannot guarantee any charities performance or use of a supporters donations. What we endavour to do it to provide useful information to increase the level of comfort of supporters for each of the charities reviewed.