SOS Children's Villages Thailand under the Royal Patronage of HRH the Queen

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Financial Efficiency

Good Governance & Transparency

Combined Score

SOS Children's Villages Thailand

Under the Royal Patronage of HRH the Queen


SOS Children’s Villages Thailand help Children who have lost their parental care. We believe that family is the best environment for a child to grow. We help children to grow up in the most natural way possible and develop their education, individual skills, interests and talents. We guide them on their path from childhood to adulthood and support these children to become independent, responsible and contributing members of society.


Please see Giving Back's review on the charity by download the file attached.


SOS Children's Villages Thailand Review year 2013
SOS Children's Village Thailand Review.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 156.6 KB
SOS Children's Villages Thailand's Financial Status Year 2013
SOS Children's Village Thailand Financia
Adobe Acrobat Document 49.9 KB