Phud Hong Lepers Foundation
Financial Efficiency
Good Governance & Transparency
Combined Score

Phud Hong Lepers Foundation
under The Patronage of Queen Rambhai Barni
Phud Hong Lepers Foundation mainly focuses on taking care of lepers in the Phud Hong Leper Colony located in Nakorn Sri Thammarat province in southern Thailand, as well as providing vocational training to the lepers and their children in order that they can obtain the skills needed to help them through life.
Presently, there are 170 leprosy patients in the colony with the government subsidy Baht 70.- per patient per day for living allowance. Among these patients, 20 are in serious condition. And some of those leprosy patients are infected HIV/AIDS.
The Catholic order of the Salesians of Don Bosco which operate the Don Bosco Center, in Nakorn Sri Thammarat located nearby the leper colony, are most helpful in providing the Leper's children education and Health Care Services.
The Phud Hong Lepers Foundation has a special alliance with Post Publishing Co., Ltd. and the same management team of Bangkok Post Foundation who fully work for the foundation on voluntary basis and without any remuneration. All administrative costs and other expenses are absorbed by the company. As a result, all the donations go fully to the charitable activities of the foundation.
Furthermore, donations from Thai Tax payers are eligible for income tax deduction. The foundation registered number is 2289.